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To Import Service from RAW Text

With the Raw text option, you can easily import a service by copying the complete OpenAPI definition for integration and pasting it into the Paste raw text input area.

  1. Go to Integrations - IPAAS > Integrations dashboard.
  2. Go to the integration where you want to import a service. Then, click on the name of the integration.
  3. Select Import Services From Schema.     
  4. In the Import Services dialog:

  • Select RAW text.
  • Paste the OpenAPI definition for a service that you want to import in the Paste raw Text field.
    Make sure that the entire OpenAPI definition for a service that you want to import is copied and available to paste.
  • Select Test to view the available services.
  • Select the service(s) that you want to add.
  1. Select Import.
    Imported services are added to the services dashboard of the integration.

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